Despite the title, this is a class blog for Introduction to New Media/Participatory Media held during the Summer of 2011 at Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, in the Bronx. But we all agree that pizza with olives is quite tasty indeed!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
'Web New.0' + 'Edu-creation'
These new innovations, I'll call them 'Web.0,' encourage participation; and the best part is that they are inherently open and social. I would love to have an intellectual boxing match with someone who would argue: "These innovations will ruin education as we know it." I would tell that someone to substitute the word 'ruin' for the word 'change.'
Our New Media class has proven, via this very blog, (along with much more,) that said someone is wrong. I estimate that "Olives on My Pizza" has 'trafficked' 150,000 to 500,000 characters during the month of July. This was just an Intro to New Media class--by this I mean that no one needed any complex understanding of computer software for this astonishing information exchange and collaboration to take place. Let's say, for argument sake, that at least one half of the 120+ blogs that our class has contributed are relevant, interesting, and/or meaningful. That means that a tiny, 10 or so different students, have contributed a net of at least 60 blogs that are educationally significant.
Allow me to get a few final points across:
Vast amounts of information are out there... so why not use this information to re-create, feedback, and re-mediate new ideas and entities? This really applies to education; especially as it pertains to creativity.
Tangible research will continue... (i.e.-the Medical fields, non-Computer Sciences along with hybrid ones that do incorporate the 'Cyber World' somewhat, etc.)... so the free-flow of information can be of great aid to these "Tangible" fields.
Overall, 'Web New.0,' as I'm calling it, offers very intriguing, unmatched resource of functionality. Exploiting this grants new and high potential, especially for the future of learning and communications.
Control Us
This is not always the case on the internet, as Beniger alludes to with a compelling inference:
"For those who would control vast populations...the growth of cyberspace does present an immediate setback..."
But it also "...[has] the promise of even greater control in the near future."
The author points out that no medium has ever resisted application to mass persuasion and control. This is a scary thought. Is freedom as we know it on the internet doomed by time via corporate/political interest?
When mass communication is limited to one-way delivery, there are so many restrictions. Two-way communication is much better (I hope we agree on this by now,) "because the effect of any one message can be monitored and responded to in a subsequent message." Its as simple as that primordial idea; it brings us back to the idea of 'feedback.'
Regardless of whether or not the control of cyberspace is iron clad, it is difficult to picture a future internet that restricts two-way communication. This is subjective: I'm an American who has been blessed with the opportunity to own and use new technologies for my entire life. I along with many others are jaded; we should all be educated on the Internet as it pertains to the rest of the globe...the Chinese internet is dreadful, it makes me think of Farenheit 451. Our nation needs to use objective knowledge and wisdom so as to find a balance as a whole, but I truly hope to see a continuously growing free-flow of information in the years to come.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Which World Takes Precedence
'Death of Copyright'
Here are some of my predictions:
I predict the demise of the entertainment companies' models as they have always existed. I believe that HBO has created 'HBO GO' because they either have been or can see future revenues falling as a result of satellite Internet connections and cable modems. I believe that Daytime TV will probably survive--I'm sure Oprah Winfrey's income is secure. Live broadcasts to millions of women by their adored celebrities will most certainly uphold market share. The same probably goes for soap operas. Sports broadcasts that are live will continue to uphold market share every weekend...and women will be the 'sports widows' that they often are.
I could go on,
but I want to talk briefly about why the end of the 'Copyright Era' (we can call it that I guess) is seemingly imminent. New technologies are now making it very expensive for monopolists who own the legal right to distribute copyrighted ideas and images. This is seen by many as an assault on private property; we've discussed this at length in class. Many more (along with hypocrites) just shrug their shoulders -- hey, they want digital copies of movies and music...ASAP and AEAP (AEAP=As Easily As Possible© :D ). Self-regulation isn't working and the cost of suing over, say 100 million Americans, well its just not economically sound. Regardless, this is the future. Furthermore, when we look at the past we realize that the moral defense of copyright wasn't always popular, "...It was an unpredicted outcome of government policies to restrict the free flow of ideas."
The Original Dream still Exists
He originally wanted it to help achieve understanding. He imagined it to be a collaborative space where you could communicate through sharing information. The idea was that by writing something together, and as people continually collaborated on it, they could find mistakes and minimize misunderstandings. Tim Berners-Lee said, “There was a time when people felt the Internet was another world, but now people realize it is a tool that we use in this world.”
The internet has many fathers who developed other important components that make up the internet we are familiar with today. It was the contributing components from Berners-Lee’s and his colleagues which caused this shift. This collaboration helped them bring together the invention of the world wide web, with the system to let different computer networks interconnect and communicate, the creation of e-mail which included the use of the "@" symbol, and the coin of the term hypertext. This joined together with Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web with browsers, hypertext markup language, and uniform resource locators (URL’s) caused this shift which forced the creators to envision a different future with this system.
In Chapter 21 Douglas Rushkoff makes the distinction between communication and information. The distinction is that web browsers shifted the internet from a one-to-one communication, Berners-Lee’s original vision, to a one-to-many communication, the new vision after collaboration. He also makes it a point to insinuate that it was unintentional to go against what Berners-Lee originally imagined. Rushkoff talks about this as a kind of war and he takes the side of the communication as an interaction. He sides with the people not the programmers. He says the biggest problem is letting go of that need to control the message and just letting people take over.
I disagree with Rushkoff on this aspect because although there is information on the internet which is controlled, the internet is made up of much more than just that. If anything this shift has led us to be able to do anything we would like with the World Wide Web and to a much higher extreme than Berners-Lee could imagine when he first envisioned this system. Sites on the internet such as, Wikipedia, Blogs, and Social Networks, allow us to communicate on the internet through an information basis where we are able to collaborate and envision ideas just like Time Berners-Lee and his colleagues.
mental break.
I agree with Ace when she talks about chapter 2 and how Phelan states how the internet disconnects us from reality but that temporary disconnection isn't necessarily a bad thing. Of course you don't want to be constantly finding yourself disconnected to the real world all the time but just like everything else in life, things in moderation are good. LIke Ace said, when your busy writing a 396734 page paper its nice to be able to escape for a little and explore some social networking websites such as facebook or twitter. It gives your brain a break so it can refresh its self. A down fall to this break however, is that some people, including myself at times, find it hard to actually do the work and get off facebook. :(
social permanency
Information vs. Communication or Information + Communication
There are more than thousands of brands on Facebook and Twitter. The brands use the social networks differently in order to market their brand and image properly. The brands use Facebook to hold photo contest like Johnson & Johnson, give away coupons like Palm Beach Tan, and encourage customer feedback on a one to one basis like Nintendo - article courtesy of Mashable. The brands use Twitter to provide instant help with technical problems like The Home Depot, to promote new products like Starbucks, and to engage immediate customer response like the upcoming movie 30 Minutes or Less - article courtesy of Search Engine Journal.
So, back to what we were discussing in class yesterday about corporations trying to take over the communication aspect of the internet, I think they already have and the businesses that haven't are catching up quickly. I think they are facing some issues while trying to get consumer information to us via communication. Yesterday, for a second, we talked about hate speech and how that is still technically respected by the First Amendment, but how there is a fine line between hate speech and libel/defamation. Earlier this year Forever 21 was confronted with this problem of determining what someone could say about their brand when they tried to go after WTForever21, a blog about the negatives of Forever 21 stores. An article from ABC News, "Forever 21 Threatens Blogger With Lawsuit for WTForever21 Site," said that the corporation was planning on taking the blogger to court, but was advised against it due to the amount of negative publicity they got as a result of the lawsuit.
So it's true that brands still haven't found a way to get us to stop badmouthing their product and they realize that bad publicity - especially on the Internet - lives up to its name of being "viral." But I think they have seen how much we rely on the Internet for socialization and rather than make it information vs. communication, they have seen ways to merge the two.
Monday, August 1, 2011
social networking
New Hypertext - Vogue Stealing Wiki's Idea
For example, my mother works for the state of New Jersey as a criminal investigator. Her job can be very time consuming and sometimes she finds herself bringing home work from the job. Despite being so busy my mom used to make the time in her day to log on to Facebook and update her status and make sure she kept up with maintaining Farmville. She was only able to stop using Facebook once she found herself bringing a lot more of her work home with her. she realized that Facebook was consuming a lot of the time that she was supposed to be concentrating on work.
social notworking.
In response to Michael, and Lauren I also agree with the statement that socializing and relationships have greatly changed due to the Internet and technology. I believe that this change however is not for the best for our society. I believe that people replace real relationships and friendships with online ones. People are too busy changing their status while they are out doing something “fun” then actually enjoying what they are participating in. For example when someone post “ I’m having sooo much fun at a party.” shouldn’t they be to busy having too much “fun” at the party to take the time to stop to update their facebook status?
Also the fact that people can contact and see what someone else is doing 24-7 is also not the best for relationships. Back in the day people weren’t able to talk or text their girlfriend/boyfriend every other minute. This constant communication I believe puts stress on each person in the relationship, where before the only communication would be in person or over a home phone.
Early Internet
The trick at this point was to figure out how we turn this communications nightmare into controllable mass medium? We needed to replace communication with information. By 1980 we were on the cusp of the Information Age. And now that information was traveling all over the World Wide Web we needed to make sure that this information being shared was factual.
The current direction of Internet technology promises a further interactive abilities. Our internet is getting so fast it is turning into TV-like Internet.
copyright and youtube
Thursday, July 28, 2011
online education documentary
Risks of the Internet
According to Paul Slovic; risk is broken down into two factors: how unknown the risk is, and how dreaded the risk may be. Both of these factors go hand in hand. Internet risks are unknown to many people because for one thing many common users of the Internet are still learning new things about it everyday. The technologies and advancements we have been achieving are moving faster than we are able to keep up with. For that reason, some parents believe it is too dreadful for their child to go on the Internet. The dreadful concept comes from the fact that as parents they are responsible for keeping their children safe. For the same reason a parent may not allow their child to visit a friends house before they meet their parents, is the same reason they feel uncomfortable letting them surf the web; they have a sense of fear for the unknown. If they themselves are still learning new things about the internet, it is unlikely that they will let their own child discover these things on their own.
Others see the Internet as an escape for children from other technologies they are consumed in, they find the internet to become a good balance amongst everything. Also, they find the internet a good source for education and school work. It's not unlikely for these children to have more experience with the internet and use it to their advantage, not to spoil their minds. The Internet is still very much unknown and we as the users are vulnerable to the media. It is not only important to learn about the new technologies emerging all around us, but it is also important to understand the risks involved so we are able to gain the best possible experience from our medium.
cyber-social creatures
online education
During the year 2000 there was a leap of 201 million to 3003 million internet users in the span of two months. This seems like a large number but in fact it is only a small fraction of the worlds population. One statistic said that in early 2000 there were still about 96% of the worlds population offline. In the span of 11 years I am sure that number has changed quite a bit, but my guess is that it is still a minority percentage.
In a 1999 white paper from the US Department of Commerce, it was suggested that in the time since the 1997 preceding 1997 white paper the “access digital divide” had become more evident (National Telecommunications). In the document it shows that the people who have been using computers for some time are getting far more advanced than the population without access to computers. In the paragraph below you will see the gap broken down in five different ways.
Income: Email usage had increased over the time period of this study as well as the income level. Of the people in upper level incomes about 44% used email in 1998. In the lowest level only about 6.2% used email during that same year.
Race/Origin: All groups growth increased by about 3.5 times or more. Whites led the way with Hispanics and Blacks following behind. Whites led all areas of the country whether it be urban or rural.
Age: Senior citizens used email the least amount but over the span of 4 years the usaged quadrupled.
Education: There was a huge correlation between email and the level of education. The digital gap between elementary school-educated and college-educated households grew from 8.7% in 1994 to 37.5% in 1998.
Household type: All household types increased except male householders with children. Usage by households with married couples and children led all categories throughout the period by a substantial margin and equalled 25.9% in 1998. During the 4 year span, rural area usage trailed other areas of household types except for the female householder with children category.
Anti-Social Networks
As I was reading the first chapter in “Communications and Cyberspace,” particularly page 35, I started to think about the effect that new media, including social networks, have on our social lives. In one particular passage Gumpert and Drucker talk about the way social life used to be, and how they “played and watched others play,” and “conversed with strangers we might not meet again…” This passage really made me think about how much the average human social life has changed due to new technology. Nowadays a good amount of social interactions happen online, whereas in former generations there was no such think as online interactions. It appears as though we are becoming more antisocial, sitting in front of a computer screen talking to people via web rather than going out and actually seeing that person or doing some sort of activity with them. Many people’s social lives seem to have been consumed by facebook, even though facebook is supposed to be a way to enhance our social lives, not hinder it. In addition to social networking sites causing a decrease in face-to-face interactions, another media that does the same thing is video games. It looks as if many kids are now spending a lot of time indoors playing video games rather than going outside and participating in sports or other activities with other people. New media does have many tools that make it easier to interact with other, but we have to be careful to make sure we don’t use it as the only way of interaction.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
now generation
While reading Professor Strate’s chapter about time and cyberspace I thought it was very clever how he made the comparison between the clock and the computer. The clock gives the information of time in a fast and accurate way, the same way a computer gives information of other subjects in a fast and accurate way. Also I agree with both Professor Strate and Michael Raganella when they talk about the part of the chapter when Strate says "When sitting at a computer terminal, delays of a few seconds seem interminable and five minutes an eternity." This delay does not only affect life through a computer but also real life as well. I believe it has turned and fueled our generation to what is known as the "now" generation. This means that we need instant gratification. Right here right now, but is this a good or bad thing?
Computers = Clocks
In the reading I would have to completely agree to the fact that the internet sped up the way people live and also affects the way people live. As technology sped up so did our way of life. We become so involved with our cyber lives that it transfers over into our real life. Since the internet is fast, we expect that aspects of our real life should be fast. Cyber life can have an enormous impact on the way people live; in fact it may even take over some people real lives. For example, the people that are addicted to video games have sometimes completely abandoned their real life just to focus on their gaming and cyber life. Another example would be of people so into their computers that they never leave their house because they have lost all forms of social interaction. The only communication that they have with other people would be only through cyber space. Now that video games are becoming more complex people are able to customize and almost create people in their own images making it easier to relate to the game. They are even some social networks that allow people to create avatars. Unfortunately, this might also make is easier for people to lose grip on their real lives and become completely indulged in their cyber ones.
Philosophies of 'Cybertime'
The reality of time, or at least an arguably much more healthy way it can be perceived, is that it's seamlessly flowing, "...Rather than hiccuping periodically." In contrast to this, 'cybertime' is based on a series of individual, separate "...and distinct electronic pulses; just as is the case with the microworld's absolute time...they are what passes for time in cyberspace."
In my opinion, 'cybertime' has some very disturbing implications and repercussions; especially in regards to the offsetting of our human circadian rhythms, as well as the generic distortion of the way we all interpret the entity that is time.
Lost in Time
In cybertime, distinctions between past, present, and future start to fade and our sense of time becomes distorted. For example time flies by when engaged in computing and gaming. This is particularly evident in video gamers who are capable of blocking out their sense of time in order to enter only the world of the game. Now whether this underlining feature is positive or negative is up for further debate. I personally find that with the advancements we are making with video gaming, falling into a virtual reality while playing is a natural tendency. The ability to differentiate the two is for the gamer to decipher. Often times long-term computer users jolt back and forth between the two worlds of game time and reality time. This is called, “temporal schizophrenia,” which is when a user is caught between two distinctly temporal orientations.
As said by G.S. Kirk author of The Nature of Greek Myths, “cybertime is in someways a form of sacred time, a mythic time or dream time.” I found his observation directly on point. If you have ever engaged in gaming, even if it was something as simple as Atari, you will notice that when playing that game you are unable to accomplish something else successful. This was because you had entered an alternate reality. When engaged in the game, you became the figure on the screen that you were controlling with your hands. No other medium provides the same sense of active personal presence like the computer; no other medium allows us to construct and encounter other versions of ourselves. Computer mediated communication has also led to the discovery of multiple roles, personalities and identities. Through VR technology we can see our dream selves or fantasy selves. Our cyber-selves are digital creatures made of data and information and are unaffected by time.
cybertime and impatience
Is the computer our second self?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Virtual Technology and Reality
Currently developments in virtual reality focus on entertainment in gaming. To me I find this stuff to be really interesting. Being the youngest of three brothers I have seen a lot of military application type games over the years. In the new VR technology it appears on the screen like we are actually playing it ourselves or in the game.
The human factors of VR refer to human performance, behavior, and desire that must be applied when designing an information system. When making these new VR’s , we know from experimentation in psychology, sensation, perception, and experience are some of the related issues. Some of the normative factors include cultural variation in communication expectation, performance or norms, and ethical considerations. Among other factors listed are expressive, instrumental and cognitive interfaces.
Judith Lee discusses how email has changed the way we communicate and has made it easier to write and send letters. She also goes on to say how email has also changed the level of formality of the way we communicate when it comes to letters. She discusses how we have evolved to writing the way we would talk to each other. This could be looked at as both positive and negative. She says that the “memo” has become the new formal letter when communication with in organizations. Within a memo includes the to, the from, and the subject line, along with the body or the note part. This way it is to the point and quicker, the reason email was created in the first place.
online classes
mcluhan and virtual reality
Online Education
Geography: If we could fly anyplace in the country in less than 20 minutes that would be great, but unfortunately we can't. With online courses I am able to take a class at the prestigious school Stanford while living in breathing in the New York City air at the same time.
Timely manner: Timing is everything to life. But what if timing was a restriction on something that needed to be done. With online courses students and teachers can grade and learn in a leisurely manner. In a school setting if the teacher had to cancel class that would leave all the students feeling as if they had just wasted time out of their day. This is not the case online classes, you have no excuse not to finish the course.
Note Taking: Being a slower student myself taking notes in class sometimes can be a pain in the butt. With an online course I am able to go at my own pace and retain everything within the scripts of the material.
Price: People need to make a living and making. Making a living can be tiring on top of going to class for three hours a night. Online education can fix these problems. If a student works better in the morning then they have the option to work on the assignment or read the chapter before work.
Informality: Good and the Bad
The bad things don't always steal the spotlight. As we discussed, informality can lead to questionable behavior/relationships in the workplace. Other issues can emerge in the the 'bcc' option in email...which has tons of potential for malicious use. The informality in email and other similar mediums can lead people to misunderstand others. These are just some of the basic, fundamental 'bad aspects' of informality in email and other new mediums of communication. Its kind of corny to quote Spider-Man, but here it is anyway: "...With great power comes great responsibility." Email (and the other new communicative mediums) certainly give great power.
The New Medium Process
Education and VR
Edgar Allan Poe
Digital Classrooms
Pro: You don't have to show up to class anymore - you can access the material, discussions, and homework on any day and any time of day.
Con: For some of us procrastinators, this gives a lot of freedom to continue ignoring assignments and "skipping class."
Pro: Students get the most benefit from being taught by a forerunner in the specific field. But those industry leaders typically have a lot of work to do besides teaching and giving out homework. This education system allows the professor to continue making strides in his field without sacrificing the knowledge of the minds of tomorrow.
Pro: Researchers have found that these digital classrooms actually encourage class participation. In class you can always nod along or answer in as few words as possible, but online they found that students are more likely to type more about the subject than they would have said in class.
Con: Based on what we talked about yesterday, about how digital writing has become more and more relaxed, casual, and conversational, you have to wonder how much actual substance can be found in those longer paragraphs. Especially when you consider how many kids ramble in their essays just to fill the word count.
Pro: Sometimes students don't speak up in class for fear of the teacher or the other students judging their comment. With this new educational system, there will be no way to tell that because there will be no body language to interpret and no way to hear the snickers, so more shy students will feel comfortable sharing their opinions.
Con: Not having a physical face to talk to (no facial cues or tones of voice to go off of) does cause people to learn differently, and in some cases, less than they would have. It also opens the door to "flame wars" which we discussed yesterday - when things you wouldn't read into too much if they were said in person, when read online make you mad.
So, is it the way of the future? I actually think yes. It will definitely change things: classroom discussions will be more casual, we'll have more opportunity to follow career paths and go to school simultaneously, and there will more student participation. However, maybe we have to take a step back for a second. After all, we've already dismissed cursive from school curriculum, as found in USA Today, and added LOL and OMG to the Oxford Dictionary, as found in The Huffington Post. Kind of does make you wonder though, is all this change too much, what was really that bad about the old systems? Are we encouraging kids to go to school by sacrificing the standards of education?
Monday, July 25, 2011
e-mail formalities
The Medium is the Massage
"the medium itself is the message; the medium itself is the greater influencer of society - more than the messages it is carrying."
I am pretty sure that he is saying that the whatever gives you the message is greater than the message itself. For example, the computer is the medium and it gives us messages but the computer itself has became a greater fixture in our lifestyles than the message.
Understanding McLuhan
The documentary we watched last class was at times confusing but also very informative. I found it interesting when they showed the young children in the class room learning the twenty six (in Charlie’s case the twenty four) letters of the alphabet. The narrator went on to say how the letters by themselves don’t mean anything until they are paired with other letters. Those paired letters make words which then make sentence which then communicate ideas. I also thought McLuhan’s idea that technology ultimately is an extension of our bodies is also very accurate and kind of reflects the idea of evolution. Many people who do not have access to technology do not live as long as some one who does.
Second Life - A New Place for Marketing?
What McLuhan would think today
McLuhan's central thesis "the medium is the message", was that the technologies through which we take in information - the media, broadly defined - become "extensions" of our bodies, exerting a profound influence over us. When an important new medium arrives, it can reshape who we are as individuals and as a society.
The electric media of television and computers would liberate us from our dependence on the printed word. Print was what he called a "hot" medium, one that absorbed all of our attention and left little room for participation. A "cool" medium is one that left plenty of space for participation.
The internet does seem to represent the fulfillment of McLuhan's vision, at least in some ways. As we've seen with the explosion of blogs, podcasts and homemade videos, the net encourages media participation on an unprecedented scale.
But it's hard to imagine that McLuhan would be self-assured about today's "electric media". In fact, he'd probably have a hard time even recognizing them. Television, which McLuhan saw as cool medium, is rapidly turning into a hot one, with enormous screens, high-definition images and surround sound. And computers, rather than freeing us from the printed word, have made text more widespread than ever. Whether surfing the web, typing messages on our phones or checking our BlackBerrys, we are wrapped in a world of text that would have boggled McLuhan's mind.
McLuhan understood that as media become more interactive, they also become a more potent tool for control. They not only transmit information to us but gather information about us.