Online education is used at almost every school across the country, if not all. At bigger schools where it is hard for students to fit into the class schools have made online classes an option for credit. there are some drawbacks to online education but i was lucky enough to find enough reasons for online to still be a popular and resourceful way to learn.
Geography: If we could fly anyplace in the country in less than 20 minutes that would be great, but unfortunately we can't. With online courses I am able to take a class at the prestigious school Stanford while living in breathing in the New York City air at the same time.
Timely manner: Timing is everything to life. But what if timing was a restriction on something that needed to be done. With online courses students and teachers can grade and learn in a leisurely manner. In a school setting if the teacher had to cancel class that would leave all the students feeling as if they had just wasted time out of their day. This is not the case online classes, you have no excuse not to finish the course.
Note Taking: Being a slower student myself taking notes in class sometimes can be a pain in the butt. With an online course I am able to go at my own pace and retain everything within the scripts of the material.
Price: People need to make a living and making. Making a living can be tiring on top of going to class for three hours a night. Online education can fix these problems. If a student works better in the morning then they have the option to work on the assignment or read the chapter before work.
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