Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why not always 'feedforward'?

Norbert Wiener said that "communication is control," and boy was he right. The 'science of control' was seemingly born straight from this; and along came the ideas of 'cyberspace,' 'cybernetics,' and more. We discussed feedback and defined it as: "information sent back from the receiver to the source." This is the key to a thermostat, for example (we talked about this). We briefly discussed 'feedforward,' which is "testing something out ahead of time." Thinking from a logical standpoint, I see endless uses for feedforward in general, some of which are obvious.
Feedforward helps one to open the channels of communication and tells one if another person is willing to communicate.
Feedforward messages/blog posts often allow us to preview the content. ( exemplifies this perfectly...I would say I preview a blog post 1 to 2 times on average.)
Feedforward can help estimate the receptivity of a person (say, on a dating website) regarding what one is going to talk with/ask for something. (eg.-before asking for a date, one would probably use feedforward to test the waters and see if one is likely to get a "yes" response.)
I could go on with examples all day, but I'll leave it at those three. Take a step back...why wouldn't any person or group of people not want to test something out ahead of time; thus so they can either know or predict future results? To a certain extent, there is no reason of why not--especially at first glance. But then again, we do have 'Chaos Theory' on the other hand...and along with it come some very contradictory ideas.

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