Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Photobucket is a type of new media, which serves as a host site for uploading and sharing pictures and videos. It has the capacity for "many-to-many" communication, and allows a person to post images/videos in an album for a select amount of viewers, to email or to transfer to a blog or other social website. It is considered "new" media because it is all digitally transposed and viewed. It draws upon old media that encompasses photography in any print ads, newspapers, magazines, or simply personal photographs hand organized in an album; all of which demonstrate "one-to-many" distribution. Photobucket allows pictures and videos to be freely distributed and much more quickly viewed by others, since it utilizes the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    If you're interested in photo sharing websites, Google has a really good one called Picasa. It lets you organize your photo albums based on the people in them, publish them online, create photo collages, etc. Picasa also lets you edit your pictures, eliminate red eye and brighten the background, etc. They're thinking of incorporating it into Google+, Google's new social media network.
