Cyberculture has been mentioned a few times in class and I have found the whole idea really fascinating. Yesterday when we watched the video about the Android who couldn't remember life outside his virtual world, I started thinking a lot about whether or not this is a philosophy that will take over: live in the computer world. Even though I know that video was an exaggeration, I could see something like that really catching on, especially since we're all on the internet all the time anyway. I started doing some more research about cyberculture and found a ton of articles. What amazed me the most though was how long cyberculture has been around. I mean I had heard of Machinima and I played The Sims computer game when I was a kid but it gets so much more in depth than that. Hackers are now referring to themselves as "future culturists" and they have a Future Culture Manifesto. Cyberculture is meant to be information culture, and hackers consider themselves to be information freedom fighters so to speak. The article I read Cyberculture, Technoculture, Future Culture said that this culture is still in its infancy because we still live in a money controlled world, but predicted soon we will supersede that lifestyle. It was pretty interesting in case anyone wants to check it out.
But in case that was way too much like a sci-fi script for you, I found some more funny Machinima Videos :)
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