Thursday, July 14, 2011

Artificial Intelligence: 'Skynet' takeover?

We discussed and learned about the post 1980s term "artificial intelligence," or 'A.I.'. Its pretty wild to envision a future (or present-for that matter) that is comparable to the worlds of Hollywood films like the Terminator, The Matrix, or The 13th floor; just to name a few. Could we one day create these A.I. / expert systems that somehow bring along a doomsday of sorts? I believe its highly unlikely. Yes, we may have created software that can beat (actually crush) the smartest human beings in Jeopardy. We may have created robots that have some form of A.I. inside of their programming...and as time advances, you can bet that these technologies will advance as well. The reason why I believe the 'A.I. Doomsday' (if you will) is highly unlikely, is for all of two main reasons. Firstly, these hypothetical A.I. systems would need a motive. Unless programmed to be totally self-sufficient and re-produce 100% (and I mean 100%) on its/their own, it just isn't probable. The second reason plays into a hypothetical dialectic of the first reason. Let's say, hypothetically, that someone designed A.I. software and hardware, and programmed said A.I. entity to be self-sufficient and re-produce (and maybe even kill humans or animals / destroy infrastructure); we can still always shut 'them' down:
Electromagnetic pulse.

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