Monday, July 25, 2011


The video was exemplary of how revolutionary McLuhan's idea were to media and communication. McLuhan put so much emphasis on the medium of a message rather than its content, which is often mistaken as the part holding most importance. With that said I recall a particular comment in the documentary made about his preference and passion to speak in person directly to someone or an audience, where they are able to have a dialogue and pose questions. His placement of lesser importance on written media or his books parallels this idea of medium as a message, and the need for it to be able to be easily interacted with, changeable, and most importantly not have a definite endpoint. In realizing this, one can come to understand the extensions to the human body that all of these mediums serve as, in a physical sense, which overrides the importance of the content, which we can easily get blind sighted by. The content exists without new media and advanced technology; they are separate entities. This alone helps us see the increasing transformations to our environment and lifestyle that these mediums alone bring about.

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