Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Apple 2 Microcomputer and it's Impact

The Apple 2 series was one of the first highly successful mass produced microcomputers introduced in 1977. The Apple 2 became one of the most recognizable and successful computers during the 1980’s. The company made the Apple 2 easily affordable through discounts and manufacturing agreements, especially for educational institutions. This made it the first computer to be used widespread in American schools. In doing this, Apple made the computer popular with business users and families. The Apple 2 series had an enormous impact on the technology industry and on everyday life. The Apple 2 was the first personal computer that many people ever saw during this time period. It’s price made it possible for many middle-class families to purchase, just like Apple did with the school systems. This gave Apple its popularity and marketing structure, which is part of the reason why they are still successful with their sales even to this day.

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