Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Charlie, In response to your article, there are my things I agree on that you state and are very good points, but there are some things you have to realize. First, because blogging is free and accessible to everyone wouldn't you suppose that this could be risky? For example, what if a blogger wrote an article about Fordham University burning down last night? Not only is this false but it is now public information for the world to see. As shown in class last night, a person in Germany was able to access our class blog within minutes of us uploading it! As someone with a twitter account and facebook I have to be careful about what I write about myself because I have to keep the image I am making for myself in mind. Or in the case that my peers read something false of which I was writing about. Secondly, the media is too strong these days to not hear about any given current issue. What are we to believe when we hear two different stories on the same event because of one of the persons false article post? It shall be interesting to see what is discussed for the next month.

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