Monday, July 18, 2011

Computers: Becoming Outdated?

Last class we talked about the 3 E's [experience, environment, and event] that factor into a computer's popularity. We also said that we are quickly moving to an age where computers will be obsolete, replaced by phones, pads, tablets, etc. It reminded me of an article I saw in the Huffington Post last year: Can an iPad replace a Laptop? Everything you get from a computer can be found on an iPad. They even support Kindle and similar book apps - technology gurus have been saying for a long time that online books will surpass print books. It shocked me a little, especially since I still like handwriting my notes, having a tangible magazine in my hand, and have learned to love my laptop. Soon, I feel like I'm going to be that grandmother saying "Back in my day..." so I'll stop, but it did get me thinking about all the other things I grew up with that are starting to be considered outdated and less popular: landlines, dial-up internet, newspapers, video renting stores, and libraries. I found an article: Five Monopolies, Methods of Communication Losing Their Hold that goes into a little more detail. Just some food for thought.

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