Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Virtual Reality

In our class discussion I found our debate on crime in the virtual reality to be very interesting. Professor Strate proposed the argument that killing another player in a virtual reality is like cheating on your spouse by having cybersex with another person. I find this argument to be very intriguing because when I’m playing a video game and I kill another player in the game I think nothing of it; on the other hand, when someone is in a relationship and has cybersex, I find this to be cheating. It is a very interesting topic for debate and our class discussion hasn’t been the only time that people have been indifferent on the topic. I think that until virtual reality is accessible to us like a gaming console is, there is no way to find a common ground for this debate. Only those developing the virtual reality have enough information to touch on this topic. I personally would like to see years from now what comes of the virtual reality.

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