Monday, July 18, 2011

The rise of digital media

In class on thursday we talked about how most analogical media are being replaced/have already been replaced by digital media. One effect of this replacement which we talked about was how some people are no longer able to tell time on a mechanical clock because they are so used to reading it off a digital clock and never took the time to learn how to read a mechanical clock. This can also be compared with the way people used to do math. Before the electronic calculator came along people had to learn many formulas and methods of mathematics, but now that it is all compacted into the calculator people see no need to learn those formulas. Even some simple math methods that we used to learn as kids, such as long division, are becoming lost along with the ways of doing math without an electronic device. It seems that along with the replacement of analogical media with digital media come the loss of certain skills that were once fundamental to human knowledge in order to complete various tasks. Although digital media does make everything more convenient and easier for almost everyone, is it really worth the loss of these skills?

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