Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Information and Energy

At the beginning of class yesterday when we first began to talk about energy, I started wondering "why are we talking about energy when the class topic was information theory?" At first i saw no connection between energy and information, other than energy being a means for transferring certain information. It wasn't until Professor Strate explained the entropy theory that I realized the connection between energy and information. Entropy is the reason quality of energy is lost, but before the disorganization of entropy begins, something is in a state opposite of entropy, know as order, organization, or information. Whenever I used to think of information I would think of knowledge, facts, and other things out there that can be acquired and retained by most individuals. I never once thought of information as the opposite of entropy, but since receiving a couple new definitions of information in class yesterday it is now clear to me why information is considered opposite to entropy. Information is actually a way to resolve uncertainty. Sorting out all uncertainties can help to eliminate entropy by putting everything into a nice ordered set of information. This definition, which is very new to me, has opened up a new way of viewing information for me and I hope future classes in this course will open my mind up to even more of the information that is out there to be learned.

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