Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I finally got on the blog. (from the first class)

I found your article very interesting.  Along with reading and taking
classes, blogging is another action that stimulates critical and
analytical thinking of the brain.  Blogs provide room for discussion,
argreements, and debates, opening people's minds up to the ideas of
others, and the strengthening of their own.  When two or mutiple
amounts of people have a verbal debate or discussion, most will agree
that a person can be so set on his or her points that they can tune
out their opponent until they get to speak again and remain close
minded.  Discussion over the internet makes it so that one has to
fully read and internalize all aspects of someone else's opinion,
enabling and presenting new ideas to either rebuttal or compliment.  I
also agree with Arielle though, in the fact that open blogs to all
viewers of the internet can sometimes be dangerous as it can harbor
areas of false information and the spread of rumors or threatening
data.  Some people use bloggers in a negative way, so they can easily
spread propaganda that people will believe.  I think the best type of
blogging is the one that we have now, where there is a limited amount
of people to a group that have to be invited to share their ideas.
This also helps the people of the group or class to become more
personally connected with one another, and know the reasoning and
strengths behind their views from a closer level.  It is going to be
intriguing becoming more closely connected with all the people in our
class, and blogging with them throughout our session together.

1 comment:

  1. My Response to Chelsea's post from the first class (finally figured it out lol)
    Chelsea the ideas you have presented make very valid points. I agree with you in the fact that blogs provide room for open discussions. I think you made a great point about how blogs, “open people’s minds to the ideas of others and also strengthen their own ideas.” For example, as I was reading your opinion I formed my own ideas. Having discussions through a group blog I find is more productive than having a discussion in person. One reason being that in a face to face discussion one party may feel over powered by the other party because they are either being more aggressive in the points they are making or because they are just better at stating the points out loud and clearly. Secondly, when you are typing your argument or your opinion you are able to edit (which is exactly what I’m doing throughout this post). You are almost perfecting your argument before you present it to the rest of the group. Some may be more comfortable with this format therefore take the time to actually state their opinion ultimately circulating more thoughts and opinions onto the enormous world of the internet. I also liked Chelsea point about tuning out another party in a discussion. This is another example of how blogging can be a successful tool in having a productive discussion. Having each point stated in a post gives each party an equal chance to state where they stand while at the same time fully understanding where the opposing or even comparable party stands. Although my opinion may have some flaws, which I’m sure that it does, I’m going to leave it up to my peers to acknowledge them, which is exactly what this blog has done thus far. This way I can hear others opinions and take them into consideration when I prepare to make another point.
